Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fateful Triangle

It was the metaphorical shape I was trapped in, of which I'm trying to escape. It's bad enough when there's a conflict between the unknown elements that make up its tripartite dynamic but in my case the elements are well known to each other, which throw an additional wrench into the works. It's not simply the matter of cutting my losses and get the hell out of dodge as fast as I can. It involves people I care very much about, of whom I still intend to remain friends and hang out with in the future. Bridge-burning is simply not an option. It's difficult to say how much of the old dynamic has changed now and what are we to expect of each other in the future. Will there still be awkwardness and discomfort when we get together as a group a month from now? Or a year? Or three years? Only time can tell, and as the cliche goes "time heals all wounds." I believe that this is merely a superficial wound that doesn't take long to heal and barely leaves any permanent scar. Still I don't know for sure how long the healing process will take and my fear is that if left unattended it can fester into a life-threatening gangrene. Thus, as painful as the healing process is right now, an action has to be taken to prevent further deterioration down the road. I'm still not entirely sure what entails as the best course of action and I don't even know if my leaving for Berlin will help with the healing/normalization process. For now I just want to go back to KL and clear my mind. We'll see how it goes from there.

p/s: The title of this post is taken from Noam Chomsky's famous book on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.


Anonymous said...

good to see that you're writing again

Fido Dido said...

yeah, it's about time i pick it back up again. been slacking off for quite a while now. really need to shake off the rust!