Monday, May 23, 2011

The Literature of Broken-heartedness

I've always had an affinity for Latin American literature when it comes to mending broken heart. In my previous breakups I instinctively reached out to Pablo Neruda's love poems and Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "Love in the Time of Cholera," for example. These past days I've been going through this same (crappy) emotion again. What I had hoped to turn into a romantic relationship didn't pan out in the end. After the hard truths were revealed I went home and started to pick up the only Latin American book I have with me at the time: "The Bad Girl" by Mario Vargas Llosa, this year's Nobel prize winner in Literature. The story is about a guy who keeps falling for the same woman who has been emotionally manipulating him for most of his life. He met her in various locales around the world through various stages in his life with her assuming various incarnations each time, and in each encounter his heart was crushed mercilessly. Well, the story specifically is not that relevant to my current romantic context but the overarching theme of longing for the unattainable and to be frustrated at every attempt in attaining it certainly resonates well with me and my dismal history of romance. Besides the book I'm beginning to think that I probably need to "mandi bunga" or something just to get rid of this dark curse of bad romance! Oh well...c'est la vie!

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