Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Islam Hadhari? Hmm...

This is a topic of great interest to me. Well, not the term "Islam Hadhari" per se, but the concept of a Progressive Islam that is universalist, tolerant, just, and equal. I don't know where did the term "Islam Hadhari" originate from, but as with everything else that comes from UMNO, it has to be taken with a heap of salt and a dash of belacan.

Anyway, I'm just fascinated with the recent furor concerning the post made in the Jeff Ooi's blog. What's the big fuckin' deal? It's the Internet, damnit, and let the freedom of speech reigns. I'm well aware of the argument that writings/speeches that incite hate and violence should not be allowed, which I partly agree with, but in this situation, I don't think the post is harmful at all. Geez people, lighten up a bit! Please don't take things too literally!

Also, here's a great article in MalaysiaKini by the enfant terrible of the Malaysian intellectual establishment, Dr. Farish Noor.

Side-note: I almost forgot that one would need to be a subscriber to have a total unadulterated access to the MalaysiaKini website. Please email me directly for log-in info if interested.

Ugh! It's going to be a hectic and stressful week for me with the Constitutional Law exam coming up in two days along with a couple of papers. Well, I have to skedaddle to the library now to meet my study group.


Anonymous said...

Yanno,the topic caught my eyes too, but only today because I haven't been online much. This isn't totally focused on Islam Hadhari, but it's mentioned in a few paragraphs there. Quite interesting, if I have to say so. I'm dying to know what other people think about it.

Read: Can Islam change? By the way, how did your stressful week go? Hope it was fine. mine is yet to come, looking forward to it in a dreadful way.

Fido Dido said...

I haven't had the chance to check out the link yet. I'm just so stressed out right now especially after the loss of my kitten, Frankie. I cannot even call my mom to talk about it (at least for now) lest it'll make my mood even worse and will somehow affect my studies. Other than that, I guess everything's pretty much the same. I got called on in my Constitutional Law class today to brief a case and thank god I did read the case last night.