Saturday, April 18, 2009

Exposing my sappy, pathetic side...

I played this song over and over again after I got unceremoniously dumped a couple of months ago. Come to think of it, it was a bit melodramatic but the song somehow struck a chord with me at the time. After a while the song sort of lost its appeal as I regained a semblance of normalcy back in my life. But tonight, as I was sitting at a warung enjoying my Nasi Goreng Pattaya, the song came on the radio and I was instantaneously transported back in time to that fateful day two months ago. It brings out again my sappy, pathetic side; hence, the posting of this YouTube video. Enclosed is the song's lyrics.

Cinta Dalam Hati by Ungu

Mungkin ini memang jalan takdirku
mengagumi tanpa di cintai
Tak mengapa bagiku asal kau pun bahagia
dengan hidupmu, dengan hidupmu

Telah lama kupendam perasaan itu
menunggu hatimu menyambut diriku
Tak mengapa bagiku cintaimu pun adalah
bahagia untukku, bahagia untukku

Ku ingin kau tahu diriku di sini menanti dirimu
Meski ku tunggu hingga ujung waktuku
Dan berharap rasa ini kan abadi untuk selamanya
Dan ijinkan aku memeluk dirimu kali ini saja
'tuk ucapkan selamat tinggal untuk selamanya
Dan biarkan rasa ini bahagia untuk sekejab saja


Katak-kun said...

my theme song when I got dumped: Lagu Untukmu by Meet Uncle Hussain.

Even after many months after, after I'm over it already, after no feeling already, but everytime I hear this song I can still remember the pain, the agony, the frustration of that time.

p/s: i'm going somewhere today, i'll give you the details later when we meet. hopefully it goes well

ikanhampala said...

who dumped you?

Fido Dido said...

the question is for me or meon?

ikanhampala said...

you la bro

Fido Dido said...

sapa la ikanhampala ni? i'm not comfortable talking to strangers about my love life la... kalau dah kenal tak kisah la...

ikanhampala said...

Ok, just a stranger wondering why the sudden change in mood, nice song by the way. U sld look up Demi Waktu also by Ungu, another nice song. Cheers.

ikanhampala said...

Ok, just a stranger wondering why the sudden change in mood, nice song by the way. U sld look up Demi Waktu also by Ungu, another nice song. Cheers.

Fido Dido said...

@ikanhampala: To answer your question, it was a girl from tanah seberang. That's why the song is even more relevant because it's by an Indo band. Anyway, she and I are cool now, sort of. I do know the song Demi Waktu since I do like the band Ungu but thanks for suggesting it.