Friday, December 08, 2006

The Indoctrination

One more week and I am D.O.N.E. One 25-page research paper left to do and I have the whole week to do it. I've never felt better. I almost feel like I'm way ahead of schedule and actually do have the illusion of free time to goof off. But no... gotta buckle down and get this shit done. It'll be another hermit-like weekend for me, a self-imposed house arrest, which exactly what I did last weekend to finish my other 25-page seminar paper. I never thought it could work, but it did. I was all cooped up in my apartment virtually for the whole weekend, and the only time I ever went outside was to take the trash out. It'll be the same strategy this weekend, so better stock up on the junk food. At least this last paper is relatively easier and less demanding than the other one. But we shall see...

Anyway, I'll be heading back to Malaysia next Sunday for the winter break. Well, among other places. I'll be staying overnight in Narita airport because that's part of the JAL flight arrangement (hotel is included in the airfare) but Tokyo is too far from the airport for me to explore on half-a-day. I'll be bumming around Malaysia for a while with an American friend before going to Cambodia for a week by myself. It'll just be travelling around the Tonle Sap, starting from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap (Angkor Wat, Bayon, etc) to Battambang and back to Phnom Penh. I might also spend a few days in Java if I can find the time and a cheap flight, of course. My mom is going to be annoyed as heck if she knows that I'll not be spending much of the time AT HOME with her, watching Venezuelan soaps and shopping for household craps at Pasar Borong Mydin. Sorry...

Unrelated items:

Ever thinking about becoming an American citizen? Here's a sample citizenship test of what applicants have sit for. Thank God I don't have to take it, but even if I have to, I think I'll ace it. Yes, I'm a showboat like that...

Think you're always telling the truth? Or that you are not a racist? Or a sex pervert? Sometimes you are not what you think you are. Take this Harvard University's "Implicit Association Test" and find out if you are what you project yourself to the outside world.


Katak-kun said...

oi balik kang contact aku!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah. And me too.