Malaysia's world-famous indie film-maker, Amir Muhammad, finally gets the notorious Malaysian Censorship Board to approve his latest documentary--without a single cut! It can now be commercially shown in all theaters across Malaysia. Hallelujah! The docu is called Lelaki Komunis Terakhir (The Last Communist). It's about Chin Peng, one of the Malayan Communist Party (PKM) leaders, who is currently living in exile in southern Thailand. It's semi-musical and I'm sure it is full of Amir's trademark sharp witticism.
I haven't had the chance to see his second and third full-featured docus, Tokyo Magic Hour and The Year of Living Vicariously, respectively; I've only seen his first major docu, The Big Durian. I especially want to see The Year of Living Vicariously because it's about Soe Hok Gie, an Indonesian student activist in the 1960s.
Way to go, bro! And everybody, PLEASE go see this movie when it comes out. Support your local independent film industry!
If u read my post on The Year of Living Vicariously carefully, the movie is actually not about Soe Hok Gie but rather was a series of interviews with the cast and crew of Gie during filming of the film itself.
But still, I believe you'd find it a very good watch indeed.
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I am well aware that it is a series of interviews, but the central figure in the docu is still Gie, right?
It'd be a good watch indeed as with other Amir's works.
SG - not really. Gie serves more or less as a 'background' of sorts. The interviews were more on Indonesia as a whole. Man, I wish you could some way watch it :)
I just have to delete three obnoxious comments made by some idiot who rather cowardly hide behind anonymity. Be a man and debate intellectually. Sorry, I won't stoop down to your level of arrogance and stupidity.
Ted, I stand corrected!! I'd love to see the movie. Are they still doing screenings at HELP?
Hey... why'd you have to delete those posts?? I would love to read them. Maybe that person is not a man, but a woman - maybe she is me? Lord only knows.
Anyways, I was going to write you an email but the thing is my office blocks out all webmail pages and I can't access. Boo hoo eh? So I'd have to resort to this stinkingly small comment space and have everyone (if any, ehm, sorry) read what I have to say.
THANK YOU for the telekung. It is very pretty and great! My sister took it from your brother, she called me up and told me I got a 'dinner bag'. "A dinner bag?" I asked her, stupefied. "Yeah, a dinner bag," replied my sister in a bored voice. "Sort of the kind that old ladies would wear. Ya nno, yang ber labuci2 punye. Kau tgk sendiri lah!"
My mom later called me up to clarify. So thank you! The funny thing was I'd always wanted that - the whole telekung + bag combo. It is easy to haul everywhere and anywhere. You read MINDS WELL.
Last but not least - Palawan, in Philippines. Have you heard of that place? I just found out about it from a guy at work. He showed me the place - it literally took my breath away. I felt faint and grey spots appear at the corner of my eyes... but probably the fact that I didn't have my lunch also adds to the case.
In case you haven't, please go and take a look. It is amazingly beautiful - how come nobody told me about this place???!!!! You better act like you don't know about it mister, because if you were holding out on me about Palawan... you have one thing coming!
God. I need money and I need time. Where is Doraemon when I need it?
- Rocket Queen Machine
I'm glad you like the telekung. I've been meaning to give it to you since I got back from Indonesia last year but never got around to it. Actually, the bag that comes with the telekung is a tacky-looking plastic one, so my kind auntie in Bandung gave hers instead.
I'm sorry to say that I do know where Palawan island is. It's part of the Sulu archipelago in the southern Philippines. And yes, it is a paradise on earth, if you're a beach bum that is. You're going to love it there!! Just be careful of the Abu Sayyaf group, even though I think the threat is grossly overblown.
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