Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Another year bites the dust!

Yep, today's my birthday. As a matter of fact, I almost forgot that I'm a year older today. That's what happen when your birthday is two days after September 11 and you're living in the US. Also, I was just too occupied with school and finding a part-time job to notice anything special. Not to mention, I still haven't bought a cellphone yet, or even have a room of my own for that matter.

In regards to the class that will be the bane of my academic existence this semester, I'd like to change it from "The Methods of Political Research" to "Constitutional Law". It's not so much as the difficulty of the subject; I love Constitutional Law and some of the issues that will be discussed in the class are already familiar to me. It's the professor that somehow gets on my nerves. She did say something about having a bad experience with the class last semester but that's not a good enough reason to be bitchy and anal. It seems like she loves to nitpick on every little things when some things are better off left by themselves.

Also, she gets pretty starry-eyed when she talks about her experience interning in Washington, DC and how she gets to know a guy who used to clerk for one of the Supreme Court's Justices. She even reminisced about the first time she saw Justice Antonin "I'm a Catholic bigot" Scalia and how he got her knockers all up in knots (my interpretation of her story, anyway.) Well, boofuckinghoo! For someone who is not familiar with the Beltway political culture, it's easy to be awestruck and intimidated by the grandiosity of power in the nation's capital.

By the way, I was going to mention to her that the public can actually sit through the whole Supreme Court's oral argument session and not just in 5 minute group intervals as long as one gets there early enough to be admitted in (for controversial cases, the line is extremely long and people usually camp out on the Court's steps the night before.) Yes, I do have the experience of lining up under the hot blazing sun just for the chance to hear the oral argument. It was the Pledge of Allegiance case when the atheist lawyer/doctor, Michael Newdow, challenged the constitutionality of the phrase "One nation under God" in the US Pledge of Allegiance. Anyway, I didn't get to sit in for the full oral argument since the courtroom was packed; I managed to get into the 5 minute group but still caught one of the best moments in the whole argument when Newdow gave a smart alecky answer to Chief Justice William Rehnquist's question that resulted in a thunderous applause from the spectators and an ensuing rebuke from red-faced Rehnquist.

As long as I'm doing well in this class, I couldn't care less about the lecturer's personality. It's still to early to judge her and what her political compass is.


thedreamer said...

Today is your day, to celebrate the things your heart values most. And to remember you're so much more than what you've achieved.Wishing you a life of joy, celebrations and dreams come true.Happy Birthday.Hope it's a great one!

p/s: thanks fer the wish..you were the first.=).

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday. I have a knack for giving belated birthday wishes. How does it feel to reach the big 3? Your running time seems a bit longer don't you think? Or maybe your back hurts a little more than neccesary? Heh, take care now :)

Fido Dido said...

Yes, Rocket. You are so right. I'm just an old man full with rickety bones. As a matter of fact, I was playing soccer today and when I got home, my body hurts like hell and I just realized that I cannot do a lot of the same soccer moves that I used to do with ease ten years ago. What a rude welcome to the big 3-0!

Anonymous said...

I thought so. Unlike fine wine, old joints don't get better. Anyway, just wondering why this particular lecturer of yours get your panty up in a twist? I'm sure there's another reason other than her 'starry eyed' speeches that compels you to dedicate an entry about her. - Rocket queen machine

Fido Dido said...

I don't really know why she gets on my nerves; maybe she just strikes me as this insecure person who's trying way too hard to impose her given authority and power. My advice to her would be to lighten up and let loose a bit. Yeah, I know Constitutional Law is not really a fun subject to begin with--unlike horseback riding or jogging (yes, these courses are offered here on campus) but please don't make it worse by spoiling it for the rest of the class. Anyway, I'm going to her class right now. By the way, did any of your lecturers ever ask for your picture, so s/he can remember your face? Well, this lecturer did and it's not even a big class, only about 20 students. Now, how anal can you get?